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Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic
Terri Anderson LMT, CIMI License# 4028
Medical Massage in Gresham, Oregon

Release Relieve Recover November/December 2022 Newsletter
12/10/2022 4:30 PM

November/December 2022
Volume 14, Issue 6

Located At

1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic

Happy Holidays from everyone here at
Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic. We
hope you get to spend time with the people
that mean the most to you. We want to
thank you for continuing to support this
clinic and the staff who work hard
everyday. We look forward to working with
you in the new year.
Thanksgiving: November 24
Christmas: December 25

Happy Holidays

May this follow you all year long !!!

Give the gift of massage:

2-1hr massage: New Client Special $150

3-1hr massage: $225

* Prices above reflect increase effective 12/1/22

CreditCard Logos

Ailment of the Issue
Frozen Shoulder


The main symptoms are:

· Decreased motion of the shoulder
· Pain
· Stiffness

Frozen shoulder without any known cause starts with pain. This pain prevents you from moving your arm. Thereafter lack of movement leads to stiffness, and then even less motion. Over time, you become unable to do movements such as reaching over your head or behind you.
Source: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000455.htm


Massage therapy is one way to gently stretch and release the muscles to help you manage your pain. Massage relaxes muscles, letting them release, decreases tension and returns them to a more natural state. This may take more than one treatment. With initial treatment, you may see a slight increase in pain, then lessening in pain as treatment continues. Seeing your physician makes sure that medical intervention/adjunct treatment can be given if needed.

What can you do to help treat and prevent this Injury?

Stretch! Stretch! Stretch! Make sure to stretch before engaging in strenuous activities. Also, proper lifting techniques are a must!
Source: http://www.webmd.com

Stretches of the Issue

Release Relieve Recover September/October 2022 Newsletter
10/03/2022 9:27 AM

Sept/Oct. 2022
Volume 13, Issue 5

Located At

1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic
Release  Relieve  Recover

Its back to school time which means autumn and winter are coming. Just like with spring and summer, we have to prepare our homes and gardens for the cold months ahead. This also means extra pain and pressure on our bones, joints, and muscles. Below are some stretches to do both before and after working in the yard or on your home.

Hold each stretch for a count of 8. Never push yourself to where it hurts. If the stretch hurts, stop. If you end up hurting or straining yourself, give us a call and we can try and help with recovering.

Stretches of the Issue

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Why Acupuncture is helpful:

In Chinese Medicine, autumn is the season of the Lung. This is the time of year that we gather our bounty from the garden and enjoy the new air that the season brings. The Lung is the “Delicate Organ” which is in direct contact with our environment so we are exposed to airborne pathogens carried by the winds. Support yourself while gardening with some self-care tips:
1. Protect yourself from cold weather and be sure to cover your neck and head while outdoors.
2. Eat warming foods containing aromatics such as ginger, garlic, turnips, radishes, daikon, and white peppercorns.
3. Focus on emotions, trying to let go of negative feelings such as grief and sadness.
4. Breath deeply to keep your lungs healthy.
5. Stop smoking if you are a smoker.

Why massage therapy can help:

When we are working on the house or the yard, you may pick up something that is too heavy or do a motion too many times in a row. If you feel pain or soreness come in and see us. We will work on the area that has been injured with light pressure to start; the goal will be to decrease your pain and increase your range of motion. With those goals in mind we will work the localized are that has been injured.

Important Dates this Fall

* Labor Day is September 5th

* First day of fall is September 22nd

* Halloween is October 31st

* Turn your clocks back on November 6th

Specials for September/October

* 2-1hr massage - $130 (new client special)

* 3-1hr massage - $195

* 2-1hr acupuncture - $110

Release Relieve Recover July-August 2022 Newsletter
07/01/2022 11:40 AM

July/August 2022
Volume 13, Issue 4

Located At

1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic
Release  Relieve  Recover

Independence Day!

We all celebrate our Independence on July 4th!

"For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." --Nelson Mandela

"Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed." --Martin Luther King Jr.

12 Stretches of the Issue
Source: http://quteandemotional.blogspot.com/2012/08/exercise-for-neck.html

July and August Specials:

2-1hr massage $130

2-1hr acupuncture $ 110

CreditCard Logos
We now accept MVA insurance and most private insurance.

Ailment of the Issue

Neck and Shoulder Tension

Symptoms of Neck and Shoulder Tension:

The neck and shoulders are an area where almost all clients experience pain, tightness, or some degree of discomfort. This is understandable since this is a complex area and is responsible for most of the movement of the upper body.

Neck and shoulder pain is very familiar to most of us. Tight shoulders, stiff neck, pain, and restriction of movement when the head is moved in certain directions. The most common complaint is pain between the shoulder blades. As always, when you palpate the affected areas you will feel tight bands in the affected muscle groups that are part of neck and shoulder areas.

How can massage and acupuncture help?

The goal is to massage the neck and shoulders to get the shoulders mobile. We do that by working the muscle around the scapula to get the muscle to lift. Massage partnered with stretching and light traction will ease the tension in the neck. Acupuncture-

USA Flag

Looking for Trained Massage Therapist

We are looking to add another therapist to our team. If you or a massage therapist you know is looking for a new position, please send us your resume or have them send their resume to: anderson3855 @ gmail.com

Monday-Wednesday, $40/hr/massage

Remember we have a referral incentive; For every three new clients that come in and tell us you referred them you get a free 30 minute massage.

Release Relieve Recover March-April 2022 Newsletter
03/18/2022 1:25 PM

March/April 2022
Volume 13, Issue 2

Located At

1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic
Release  Relieve  Recover

Spring is coming (Yay!)

Tuesday March 1st is National Self Injury Awareness Day

Daylight Saving starts on March 14th this year.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day on Tuesday March 17th!

Easter Sunday is April 17th

What is new this spring

We are excited to welcome Katie to our team.

She will be at the front desk Monday and Wednesday afternoons, and Thursday mornings.

She’s here to help with all your questions and schedule appointments.


With each person that you refer in, you get a thankyou card. Collect three thankyou cards and you will receive a free half-hour massage.

We also are running our new client special: 2 one-hour massages for $120.

Happy Easter - Easter Eggs

CreditCard Logos
We now accept MVA insurance and most private insurance.

Stretch of the Issue

Iliopsoas & Psoas Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch


1. Get into half-kneeling position with the right leg about two feet in front of the left leg. The right knee should form a 90-degree angle. You may want to use a mat for cushioning.

2. Place your hands on your right knee, maintain an upright posture, and lean slightly forward until you feel a stretch in the front of your hip, groin, and thigh of your left side.

3. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. You should not feel any low back pain. If you do, ease off the stretch.

4. Slowly return to the starting position and change sides.

5. Perform kneeling hip flexor stretch three times on each side.
Source: https://www.verywellfit.com

Stretch of the Issue

Ailment of the Issue

Hip Flexor; Iliopsoas & Psoas

Covid 19 brought us more than we thought it would. For instance, our hip flexors may have been shortened due to lack of movement and binge watching shows during our stay at home phase of the pandemic. The hip flexors are contracted when we lift our legs, sitting puts the hip flexor in a contract position. If there is a lack of movement, the hip flexors tighten and can cause sensations of low back and anterior groin pain. Low back massage, leg massage, and some lower abdominal massage at the point of origin of the psoas can help with easing these symptoms and increase mobility to get us all up and moving with pep.

Source: Gwendolyn Kochan LMT BS

Release Relieve Recover November-December 2021 Newsletter
11/4/2021 6:37 PM

November/December 2021
Volume 12, Issue 6

Located At

1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic
Release  Relieve  Recover

Ailment of the Issue

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen Shoulder Bones Examples
What is frozen shoulder?

Frozen shoulder is when the shoulder is painful and loses motion because of inflammation.


The main symptoms are:
  • Decreased motion of the shoulder
  • Pain
  • Stiffness
Frozen shoulder without any known cause starts with pain. This pain prevents you from moving your arm. Thereafter lack of movement leads to stiffness, and then even less motion. Over time, you become unable to do movements such as reaching over your head or behind you.



Massage therapy is one way to gently stretch and release the muscles to help you manage your pain. Massage relaxes muscles, letting them release, decreases tension and returns them to a more natural state. This may take more then one treatment. With initial treatment, you may see a slight increase in pain, then lessening in pain as treatment continues. Seeing your physician makes sure that medical intervention/adjunct treatment can be given if needed.

What can you do to help treat and prevent this injury?

Stretch! Stretch! Stretch! Make sure to stretch before engaging in strenuous activities. Also, proper lifting techniques are a must!

Source: http://www.webmd.com
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Our Christmas Wish For You

May your Christmas be filled with:




    And Love

May this follow you all year long!!!

Anderson Therapeutic Massage

Christmas decorations
Happy Holidays
Thanksgiving this year is on:

November 25th

One month later is:


December 25th

During that month we will be selling Gift
Certificates for those on your list that
have it all. You can give the gift of a
pain-free New Year!!!!

We now accept MVA insurance and most private insurance.
Release Relieve Recover May-June 2021 Newsletter
5/11/2021 7:06 PM

May/June 2021
Volume 11, Issue 3

Located At

1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic
Release  Relieve  Recover

Summer is here!

Happy Mother's Day Sunday May 9th!

Monday May 30th is Memorial Day!

Happy Father's Day Sunday June 20th!

Did you know Acupuncture can
assist with seasonal allergies?

Do you wake up in the morning looking for your antihistamine or head to your allergist for allergy injections? We understand that allergies can be debilitating. Multiple studies conclude that acupuncture can assist with allergy symptoms, and in some cases even eliminate pesky allergy symptoms.

Umbrella filled with flowers.


With each person that you refer in, you get a Thank-You card. Collect three Thank-You cards and you will receive a free half-hour massage.

CreditCard Logos
We accept MVA insurance and most private insurance.

Condition of the Issue


The term sciatica describes a symptom rather than a specific disease. Some use this term to mean any pain starting in the lower back and going down the leg. Others use the term more specifically to mean a nerve dysfunction caused by compression of one or more lumbar or sacral nerve roots from a spinal disc herniation. Pain typically occurs in the distribution of a dermatome and goes below the knee to the foot. It may be associated with neurological dysfunction, such as weakness. The pain is characteristically of a shooting type, quickly traveling along the course of the nerve.

Source: Wikipedia

Stretch of the Issue

Sciatica Stretch Examples
View Terri's Demonstration on Youtube

Release Relieve Recover March-April 2021 Newsletter
3/10/2021 5:33 PM

March/April 2021
Volume 11, Issue 2

Located At

1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic
Release  Relieve

Spring is Coming

March 1st is National Self Injury Awareness Day

Daylight Saving starts on March 14th this year.

Happy St. Patrick's Day on Tuesday March 17th!

Spring begins on Saturday, March 20th!

Easter Sunday is April 4th

What is new this spring

We are excited to welcome Ashley to our team.

She will be at the front desk Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons.

Ashley is ready to help with all your questions and schedule appointments.


With each person that you refer in, you get a Thank You card. Collect three Thank You cards and you will receive a free half-hour massage.

Tulip Field

CreditCard Logos
We accept MVA insurance and most private insurance.

Stretch of the Issue

Chin Tuck

Instructions: Move your chin straight back without moving the head forward. Keep your eyes focused straight ahead. Hold to for 8 seconds. Do this exercise up to 3 times a day.

Objective: To improve your head and neck posture.

Chin Tuck Example
View Terri's Demonstration on Youtube

Caution: Do not allow your chin to drop to your chest or your head to drop back. If the movement provokes dizziness or pain radiating to the arm, do not perform this exercise.


Ailment of the Issue

Forward Posturing

Forward posturing is the anterior positioning of the cervical spine. It is a posture problem that is caused by several factors, most common is extended use of computers and lack of developed back muscle strength. This posture is sometimes referred to as "Reader's Neck." Possible negative effects include tingling and numbness in the arms and a burning pain between the shoulder blades. Treatment involves stretching muscles in the front of the neck and torso. Massage with light traction by a massage therapist will help alleviate the pain associated with this condition. Acupuncture will help with numbing and tingling sensations.

Stretching is a recommended home care.

Release Relieve Recover November-December 2020 Newsletter
12/8/2020 12:53 PM

November/December 2020
Volume 10, Issue 6

Located At

1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic

Release, Relieve, Recover

Happy Holidays!

Poem - May your holidays Be happy days Filled with love And laughter And may each day Bring joy your way In the year That follows after!!!

Poem Source: http://cdn.quotesgram.com/small/51/78/1795027064-famous-short-funny-christmas-poems-2.jpg

Stretches To Try:

Deep Shoulder Neck Stretches | Shoulder Neck Stretches

Image Source: http://quteandemotional.blogspot.com/2012/08/exercise-for-neck.html

CreditCard Logos
We accept MVA insurance and most private insurance.

Ailment of the Issue

Neck and Shoulder Tension

Symptoms of Neck and Shoulder Tension

The neck and shoulders are an area where almost all clients experience pain, tightness, or some degree of discomfort. This is understandable since this is a complex area and is connected to most of the movement of the upper body.

Neck and shoulder pain is very familiar to most of us. Tight shoulder, stiff neck, pain, and restriction of movement when turning the neck.

The most common complaint is pain between the shoulder blades. When touching this area it is tight and sometimes tender, and will affect the muscle of the neck and shoulders.

What Causes Neck and Shoulder Tension?

Some of the main causes of tension in the neck and shoulders are: Car accidents, Sports Injuries, over exertion, over use, as well as mental and emotional tension. Any of these conditions can affect the muscles of the shoulders and the neck.

Christmas Special

Gift Certificates are on sale Mix and Match

Two One-hour Gift Certificates $110.00

Each Hour can be used for either treatment type you prefer.
both - just let us know at the time of scheduling the appointments.

Holiday Gifts

Remember we have a referral incentive. For every three new clients that come in and tell us you referred them, you get a free 30-minute massage.

Release Relieve Recover March 2020 Newsletter
3/5/2020 04:32 PM

March/April 2020
Volume 10, Issue 2

Located At

1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic

Release, Relieve, Recover

Celebrate Spring!

What is happening this Spring

March 8, 2020 we move our clocks forward one hour at 2 a.m.

March 17, 2020 is St. Patrick's Day (don�t forget your green).

April Fool's Day - we will be celebrating on Wednesday, April 1st.

Sunday, April 12, 2020, is Easter this year.

Stretches of the Issue

Plantar Fasciitis

Stretches for Plantar Fasciitis - foot pain

Image Source: http://www.thenpmom.wordpress.com

CreditCard Logos
We accept MVA insurance and most private insurance.

Ailment of the Issue

Plantar Fasciitis

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

It is the most common cause of heel pain. This will happen when the plantar fascia becomes irritated and inflamed.

Treating Plantar Fasciitis with Massage

1. Massage the Sole of Your Foot
A petrissage massage on the sole of your foot stretches the plantar fascia and arch ligaments. In this type of treatment, a massage therapist starts at the heel and works his way up to the ball of your foot using his thumbs. The thumbs should be pointing toward each other, like an inverted letter V.
2. Cross Friction Heel Massage
A cross friction heel massage can be beneficial when done for very short periods of time so as not to cause more pain to your foot. This type of treatment usually lasts from 2 to 5 minutes. The massage therapist massages the deep tissues of your heel with her thumbs, starting in the middle of your foot and working outward. She may also do a circular massage in certain spots where she feels knots in the plantar fascia.

Sources: livestrong.com/article/10570-treat-plantar-fasciitis-with-massages

More Treatment Recommendations

Terri Anderson:

  • Massage of the inflamed tendons, muscles and soft tissues of the foot.
  • This decreases the inflammation and pain.
  • Plus increase the healing process.
David Valencia LAc:
  • We would work the area parallel to the fascia fibers.
  • Soaking the affected area in an Epsom Salt bath

What can you do to help treat and prevent this injury?

Take care of your feet. Wear shoes with good arch support and heel cushioning. If your work requires you to stand on hard surfaces, stand on a thick rubber mat to reduce stress on your feet. Do stretches before sports, but it is helpful for non-athletes as well.

Source: webmd.com/fitness-exercise/plantar-fasciitis-directory

Release Relieve Recover January 2020 Newsletter
1/27/2020 06:53 PM

January/February 2020
Volume 10, Issue 1

Located At

1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic

Release, Relieve, Recover

Happy New Year!

Anderson Therapeutic Massage would like to say THANK YOU for your business and in many cases, friendships, throughout the past year. We know 2020 will bring great things.

We hope we are a part of those fabulous things to come! Don't you or someone you love deserve the gift of healing? Therapeutic massage, while relaxing, is so much more than a day at a spa. Please call us today to schedule your next appointment. If your resolution involves your health, put us on speed dial!

Happy Valentines

Give The Gift of Healing

Gift Certificates are always available for Birthdays, Anniversaries and other special occasions.

One-hour massage ~ $75.00 at time of service.

30-minute massage ~ $50.00 at time of service.

Valentines Specials...

$140.00 Special includes:
      30-minute consult along with a 30-minute acupuncture session and a 60-minute massage.

$110.00 Special includes:
     2 One-Hour Massages.

What is New this year!!

We are welcoming a new member to our office family.

James Monje-Lara: his style of massage fits into the clinic very well. His specialty is injury recovery and does some relaxation massage.

To help welcome James, we will have a special for new clients and our existing clients. Call 503-665-8959 to make an appointment or go online at andersontherapeuticmassage.com

Ailment of the Issue


Whiplash is a neck injury due to a forceful, rapid back and forth movement of the neck. Whiplash most often occurs during a rear-end auto accident, but can also occur from sports accidents.


Neck pain and stiffness        Increased pain with movement

Headaches                    Tenderness in neck and shoulders

Decreased range of motion  Tingling or numbness in the arms

Source: Mayo Clinic


Massage: will decrease the trauma to the soft tissue of the neck, reducing pain and increasing range of motion. Massage will also reduce the headaches, we have seen the pain level decrease during the headaches as well as they do not last as long.
Terri Anderson LMT

Acupuncture: Works with your own system to release chemicals such as endorphins. that will reduce pain and inflammation. This will decrease trauma and injury, helping the body to heal.
David Valencia LAc

Represents Whiplash Event

We accept MVA insurance and most private insurance.

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Release Relieve Recover November 2019 Newsletter
11/09/2019 08:42 AM

November/December 2019
Volume 9, Issue 9

Located At

1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic

The Joy of the Holiday Season

Have a Stress Free Holiday Season

Have some fun - get a massage.

Keep Your Priorities Straight

Have Realistic Expectations

Keep Spending Under Control

Ask for Help

Practice Moderation in Activities

Keep Healthy Habits

Remember the Reason

Give The Gift of Healing

                           Gift Certificates!!!!!

Our annual Gift Certificate Sale begins 11/29/19

One hour massage $75 - receive $10 off

One half hour massage $55 - receive $5 off

Get your Gift Certificates now through 12/24/19

Take advantage of this year's rates during our Gift Certificate Sale.

Holiday packages and tree ornaments
New Client and Holiday Special
$110.00 includes:

1-HOUR massage

        PLUS A SECOND 1-HOUR massage FREE if booked within 60 days of the first massage!

The holiday season is a time of great joy and blessings. The season can also bring stress and it is important to take care of yourself Spiritually, Emotionally and Physically. Spend time reflecting on the true spirit of the season. It gives you a different perspective on what you really need to accomplish. Give yourself an emotional and physical lift, and treat yourself to a Holiday Massage. Help keep stress down with a healthy diet and exercise routine.

From now until the first of the new year we are offering our New Client Special as our Holiday Special. You can use it now for yourself and/or gift it to a loved one. Gift Certificates are available.

Kneeling Lower Back Stretch

Ailment of the Issue

Lower Back Pain

Symptoms: Pain, stiffness, and decrease range of motion.

Massage: Studies have shown that regular massage can reduce and eliminate symptoms of lower back pain.

Source: www.webmd.com/back-pain/news/20110705/study-massage-helps-treat-low-back-pain#1

We now are accepting MVA and most private insurance

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Release Relieve Recover September 2019 Newsletter
9/16/2019 09:22 PM

September/October 2019
Volume 9, Issue 8

Located At

1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic

It is Time to go Back to School

Ailment of the Issue

Acupuncture points to woman's forehead

Fall Allergies with Headaches

The main symptoms are:

  • Headache
  • Sneezing
  • Watery Eyes
  • Runny Nose
Source: amtamassage.org/articles/4/eTouch/detail/2959


Massage therapy is one way to gently stretch and release the muscles to help you manage your pain and headache. Massage relaxes muscles, letting them release, decreases tension and returns them to a more natural state. The massage will also increase circulation and help the body to manage your symptoms.

This may take more then one treatment. With initial treatment, you may see a slight increase in pain, then lessening in pain as treatment continues. Seeing your physician makes sure that medical intervention/adjunct treatment can be given if needed.

Acupuncture Treatment

Acupuncture soothes nasal allergy symptoms. Investigators at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated Hospital conducted a meta-analysis of 30 independent clinical trials with a sample size of 2,602 allergic rhinitis patients. [1] The researchers (Tang et al.) conclude, "Acupuncture, either used alone or combined with other treatments such as moxibustion, herbal medicine, and western medicine, were proven to have both short and long-term clinical benefits to allergic rhinitis sufferers."

Source: Health CMi healthcare Medicine Institute

We now are accepting MVA and most private insurance

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Autumn Season

September and October

Are the Autumn months

Autumn Follows the rain

Autumn is short season

Not hot or cold

Autumn leaves change to red and gold.

Autumn Leaves

What is Happening this Fall

Labor Day is September 2nd

First day of Fall is September 23rd

Halloween is October 31st

Turn clocks back on November 3rd

Thanksgiving is November 28th

Gift Certificates: For stressed out Moms and Dads

Acupuncture new client $50.00

$110.00 For two one-hour Massages
Release Relieve Recover July 2019 Newsletter
6/14/2019 11:01 AM

July/August 2019
Volume 9, Issue 7

Located At

1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic

  Release  Relieve  Recover
Summer Beach

Summer is really here!
Get outside and enjoy!

We hope you are taking advantage of summer opportunities for a more active healthy life style . Getting outside can improve your mood and your overall health.

Walking, Lawn-mowing, Gardening, Biking, Rowing and Swimming are just a few activities that can lead to a happy healthy you.

If you haven't been active for awhile, start slowly. It's tempting to go full out right away but a gradual increase in activity will yield good results and minimize your risk of injury.

If you do find you are experiencing pain from overdoing it, give us a call at the clinic. Terri is an expert massage therapist and can get your body on the path to healing.

Stretches - knee to chest

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Ailment of the Issue:

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction generally refers to pain in the sacroiliac joint region that is caused by abnormal motion in the sacroiliac joint, either too much motion or too little motion. It typically results in inflammation of the SI joint, and can be debilitating. Common symptoms include lower back pain, buttocks pain, sciatic leg pain, groin pain, hip pain, urinary frequency, and transient numbness, prickling, or tingling. Pain can range from dull aching to sharp and stabbing and increases with physical activity. Source: Wikipedia

Sacroiliac Joint in Pelvic bone.

The University of Michigan Health System recommends the following stretching exercises for pain in the sacroiliac joint.

Lie on a hard floor and extend your left leg forward. Slowly pull the right knee up toward your chest with both hands. Hold that position then repeat with the other leg.

This time, bend both knees and pull them toward your chest. Hold that position, then repeat the movement.

Move over to the doorway and lie there with one foot against the wall and the other extending into the hallway. This will stretch your hamstring (back of thigh) muscle. Hold this position 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.

Lie on your back, prop your knees up and slowly spread both of them outward, stretching the muscles in your inner thigh area. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds, then relax. Repeat this movement three times.
Release Relieve Recover May 2019 Newsletter
5/4/2019 10:50 AM

Summer 2019
Volume 9, Issue 6

Located At

1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic

  Release  Relieve  Recover

Happy Summer

Anderson Therapeutic Massage would like wish you a happy summer. As it approaches, we are eager to get out in the fresh air and enjoy what the summer season brings.

If you do find that you have over done it, give us a call and one of our expert therapists will be happy to help you out.

Please call us today to schedule your next appointment. If your resolution involves your health, put us on speed dial!

Give The Gift of Healing

Gift Certificates are always available for Birthdays, Anniversaries and a whenever gift.

What is happening this Summer?

 * May 12th is Mothers Day

 Gift Certificates for Mom $110.00
     For 2 one-hour massages

 * May 27th is Memorial Day

 * June 16th is Fathers Day

 Gift Certificates for Dad $110.00
     For 2 one-hour massages

          CreditCard Logos

Ailment of the Issue

Trauma Injury

Trauma Injury is when an outside force causes and injury to the body.

This can be from motor vehicle accidents, falls, and over use.

We can help with the physical injury to body.


How we would treat a trauma injury:

Depending on the sensitivity of the muscle that have been injured we apply light to deep pressure work.

We focus on the injury and all the areas of the body that would be affected from that injury.

The massage therapist will do an assessment and talk to you about a treatment plan.

Terri Anderson, LMT

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been used to treat pain and trauma from war and natural disasters for centuries. In today's world, we have added dangers from motor vehicles, as well.

TCM principles believe that a person's Qi (pronounced Chee) flows freely in the body as a motive force for living. All TCM practitioners treat by the principle that "when the Qi is stagnant there is pain and when the Qi flows freely there is no pain."

David Valencia, LAc

Release Relieve Recover January 2019 Newsletter
2/7/2019 8:49 AM

January/February 2019
Volume 9, Issue 5

Located At

1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic

  Release  Relieve  Recover

Happy New Year!

Anderson Therapeutic Massage would like to say THANK YOU for your business and in many cases, friendships, throughout the past year. We know 2019 will bring great things.
We hope we are a part of those fabulous things to come!  Don't you or someone you love deserve the gift of healing?  Therapeutic massage, while relaxing, is so much more than a day at a spa.  Please call us today to schedule your next appointment.  If your resolution involves your health, put us on speed dial!

Give The Gift of Healing

Gift Certificates are always available for Birthdays, Anniversaries and a whenever gift.

After 5 years, we have raised our rates as of January 1, 2019. Our new rates are as follows:

One hour massage $75.00 at time of service.

One half hour massage $50.00 at time of service.

Valentine's Specials...

$140.00 Special includes:
30 minute consult
plus 30-minute acupuncture session
and 60-minute massage.

$110.00 Special includes:
2 One-Hour massages.

Happy Valentine's Day

What is New this year!!

We are welcoming a new member to our office family. David is our new Acupuncturist. He is very skilled in his field. He comes to us as an expert Oriental Medicine Practitioner. We will have a special for a new client and our existing Anderson Clinic family. Please call the office to schedule

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Ailment of the Issue


Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. When the cartilage - the slick, cushioning surface on the ends of bones - wears away, bone rubs against bone, causing pain, swelling and stiffness. Over time, joints can lose strength and pain may become chronic. Risk factors include excess weight, family history, age and previous injury.

The Arthritis Foundation


Massage can "result in a significant reduction in pain" for people with all types of arthritis, says Tiffany Field, PhD, a research psychologist at the University of Miami Medical School.
Acupuncture as a treatment is found to provide significant relief from arthritis without the negative effects that sometimes accompany conventional Western medicine. The best results for drastic reduction in pain and inflammation caused by arthritis is seen by combining treatments - acupuncture and therapeutic massage. Together they increase circulation in affected areas and help to deactivate painful trigger points.
Massage can decrease inflammation in the arthritic joint. It can help keep the pain level down and over time help reduce joint damage.

David Valencia, LAc
Terri Anderson, LMT

Stretches of the Issue

Knee Stretch

Release Relieve Recover November 2015 Newsletter
11/17/2018 2:13 PM

November/December 2018
Volume 9, Issue 5

Located At

1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic

  Release  Relieve  Recover

The Joy of the Christmas Season

Christmas is a time of great joy and blessings. The season can also bring stress and it is important to take care of yourself Spiritually, Emotionally, and Physically. Spend time reflecting on the true spirit of the season, it will give you a different perspective on what you really need to accomplish. Give yourself an emotional and physical lift by treating yourself to a Holiday Massage. The holidays may be the most difficult time to schedule self-care, but the benefits are well worth the effort.

Christmas Packages

Give The Gift of Healing

Gift Certificates!!!

Our annual Gift Certificate Sale has begins on November 23 2018.

One hour massage $65, receive $10 off.

One half hour massage $45, receive $5 off.

Get your Gift Certificates now through Dec. 24, 2018.

After 5 years we will be raising our rates.

New Rates Effective January 1, 2019

One hour massage $70.00

One half hour massage $50.00

Take advantage of this year's rates during our

Gift Certificate Sale

New Client Special $100.00 special includes:

30 minute consult and 1 HOUR massage PLUS

A SECOND 1 HOUR massage at no additional charge if booked within 30 days of the first massage!

**Gift Certificates are available through December 24, 2018.

Ailment of the Issue


Tension is considered to be one of the most common causes of headache pain a person may have, affecting approximately 90% of the current population.

Tension in the neck and shoulders resulting from stress, worry, insomnia or over working on the computer contribute to the cause of Tension headaches. Other contributing factor can be dehydration, caffeine and digestive upset from certain foods. Tension headaches usually feels as though the pain is dull or squeezing on both sides of the head. You might feel as though your head is in a tight band or vice. You may also have tension, pain and soreness in your neck and shoulders.


Find ways to relax and reduce your stress. Stay hydrated and take breaks from the computer. Massage therapy also is very helpful in relieving the built up tension in your back and neck, aiding in alleviating the pain. Some people have even reported a dramatic reduction in the tension headaches and migraines with in one year of treatment with massage therapy.

Stretches of the Issue

Is your upper body feeling tight and tense? Why not try one of the stretches displayed for neck and upper back! It is important to do stretches daily in order to keep your muscles lose and limber.
Neck and Upper Back Stretches
What is New this year!!

We Are welcoming some new members to our office family.

Gabrielle: our new massage therapist

Lorin: will be the smiling face that greets you when you come in, and she loves it when you call her!!!

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Release Relieve Recover August 2015 Newsletter
09/09/2018 7:43 AM

August/September 2018
Volume 9, Issue 4

Located At

1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic

  Release  Relieve  Recover

Fall is Coming

Decorative Leaves

Far too soon for many, summer is coming to an end. Nevertheless, there are new joys and adventures to look forward to with the changing of the seasons.

Though if you find yourself stiff and moaning like a mummy, come see us. We'll be happy to help you with whatever strain the season's adventures bring.

New Clients: $90.00 special includes: 30 minute consult and 1 HOUR massage. PLUS  A SECOND 1 HOUR massage at no additional charge if booked within 1 week of the first massage! source is top10homeremedies.com

Stretches of the Issue

Knee Strain

Simple Knee Stretches

Ailment of the Issue

Knee Strain

What is a Knee Strain?

A knee Strain is an acute injury in which tendons, and ligaments become stretched, or torn. Most strains occur because of direct blows to the knee, extreme bending, or twisting of joints, or overuse through repetitive activity.


The most common symptoms include pain, swelling, loss of mobility, and a lack of strength.


Depending on the severity of a knee strain, an individual may be able to ease symptoms and recover with rest, and simple home remedies. A serious strain usually requires immediate medical attention, surgery, and several weeks of physical therapy.

What Can you do to help treat, and prevent this injury?

Stretch! Stretch! Stretch! Make sure that you stretch before doing activities such as working out, hiking, or any other high impact activity. Avoid areas where there may be ice, water, or any other slippery surface such as wet leaves that you might slip on.

Source: http://ww.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-knee-strain.htm

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Autumn Leave
Release Relieve Recover May 2015 Newsletter
05/19/2018 2:40 PM

May/June 2018
Volume 9, Issue 3

Located At

1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic

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May is for Mom

June is for Dad

May/June calendar: Gratitude exercises!

Mother's Day is on May 13th. Remember those who nurture you in your life and celebrate them.

Memorial Day is on May 28th. Appreciate the sacrifices of others for your well-being.

Father's Day is on June 17th. Remember those who provide the framework and support system of your life and show them you care.

The Summer Solstice in June also means the days will stop getting longer. Get outside and get your vitamin D. Enjoy the peak of Summer light and high season for plant growth.

Give the gift of health to a loved one by referring them to us with a gift certificate. From May 1st to Mother's Day, gift certificates are $10 off for an hour massage and from June 1st until Father's Day, the same special rate applies!

Stretches of the Issue

Tennis Elbow

Tennis Elbow Stretches

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Ailment of the Issue

Tennis Elbow

Lateral epicondylitis or lateral epicondylalgia, known colloquially as tennis elbow, shooter's elbow, and archer's elbow or simply lateral elbow pain, is a condition where the outer part of the elbow becomes sore and tender. Since the cause of this condition is still unknown, there is no single agreed name. While the common name "tennis elbow" suggests a strong link to racquet sports, this condition can also be caused by sports such as swimming and climbing, the work of manual workers and waiters, playing guitar and similar instruments, as well as activities of daily life. Tennis elbow is an overuse injury occurring in the lateral side of the elbow region, but more specifically it occurs at the common extensor tendon that originates from the lateral epicondyle. The acute pain that a person might feel occurs when they fully extend their arm.

In one study, data were collected from 113 patients who had tennis elbow, and the main factor common to them all was overexertion. Sportspersons as well as those who used the same repetitive motion for many years, especially in their profession, suffered from tennis elbow. It was also common in individuals who performed motions they were unaccustomed to. In the same study, it was mentioned that the majority of patients suffered tennis elbow in their dominant arms.
Source: Wikipedia

On your fist visit, we will go thought about a 15 min evaluation. After the evaluation, we will discuss a treatment plan.

When the massage begins, we will start with the area that is bothering you the most, which is normally the forearm. The forearm and the upper arm is work then we work up into the neck. That is on both the right and the left side of the body. Then we will finish the massage working the upper back, shoulders (scapula) and the neck.

Mother's Day and Father's Day
Release Relieve Recover March 2015 Newsletter
03/08/2018 9:15 AM

March/April 2018
Volume 9, Issue 2

Located At

1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic


Ailment of the Issue

Fatigue; Irritability; Brain Fog; Restless Legs; Overlapping Syndromes; Muscle and Joint Pain; You Never Feel Good; Anxiety and Depression; Loss of Control; Grief and Worry; Immune Dysfunction; A Lifetime Fight

What is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a disease that is painful. It has muscular pain throughout the body, with fatigue.


  • Muscle pain, spasm and/or tenderness, joint pain, neck or back pain
  • Moderate or severe fatigue and decreased energy
  • Insomnia or awaking feeling just as tired as when you went to sleep
  • Stiffness upon waking or after staying in one position for too long
  • Difficulty remembering and/or concentrating
  • Abdominal pain
  • Tension or migraine headaches
  • Sensitivity to one or more of the following: odors, noise, bright lights
You may experience some or all of these symptoms.


Massage therapy is one way to gently stretch and release the muscles to help you manage your pain. Massage relaxes muscles, letting them release, decreases tension and returns them to a more natural state. This may take more then one treatment. With initial treatment, you may see a slight increase in pain, then lessening in pain as treatment continues. Seeing your physician makes sure that medical intervention/adjunct treatment can be given if needed.

What can you do to help treat and prevent this injury?

Stretch! Stretch! Stretch! Make sure to stretch before engaging in strenuous activities. Also, proper lifting techniques are a must!

Source: http://www.webmd.com

We now are accepting most private Insurances. We are also working with Workers Compensation as well as MVA/PIP when available.

Hush, Can you hear it?
The rustling in the grass,
Bringing you the welcome news
Winter's day is past.
Soft, Can you feel it?
The warm caressing breeze,
Telling you the sticky buds
Are bursting on the trees.
Look, Can you see them?
The primrose in the lane,
Now you must believe it -
Spring is here again.

Poem Source: http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/it-must-be-spring

What's Hopping this Spring 2018 ~ March 11, 2018 we move our clocks forward one hour at 2:00 am ~ March 17 is St Patrick's Day (don't forget to wear your green) ~ Easter is on April 1 - HAPPY EASTER!!!

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Release Relieve Recover January 2018 Newsletter
1/19/2018 8:29 AM

January / February 2018
Volume 9, Issue 1

Located At
1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic

 Release  Relieve  Recover 


First we want to thank you all for another wonderful year. We appreciate each of you and look forward to assisting you in another year of good health.

Happy New Year.

We would like to invite each of you to visit our Facebook page, like our page and then write a short Yelp review.

Remember we also have a referral incentive for every three new clients that come in and tell us you referred them you get a free thirty minute massage.

Valentines Special - two one-hour massaged for 90 dollars. January 15 through February 14.

Frozen Shoulder

What is Frozen Shoulder?

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition characterized by stiffness and pain in your shoulder joint. Signs and symptoms typically begin gradually, worsen over time and then resolve, usually within one or two years.

Stretching Frozen Shoulder Example.

Your risk of developing frozen shoulder increases if you're recovering from a medical condition or procedure that affects the mobility of your arm - such as a stroke or a mastectomy.

Treatment of Frozen shoulder

To massage frozen shoulder we need reduce the pain sensitivity with hot and cold packs, then we add very gentle massage to the top and the bottom of the shoulder joint. As the pain level reduces then we begin to break down the adhesion and stretch the joint. This will take time, but massage can help reverse the effect of frozen shoulder.

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Release Relieve Recover November 2017 Newsletter
1/13/2017 1:47 PM

November - December 2017
Volume 8, Issue 5

Located At
1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic

 Release  Relieve  Recover 


Winter Fun

Winter time can make for fun both indoors, and outdoors. Weather you find yourself digging out the board games, or the ski gear, and we hope you have a happy, healthy holiday season. If you find yourself stiff from the cold, or in need of a great gift, remember the gift of massage for yourself and loved ones.

In this season of family, we are glad to welcome some new faces to our clinic, as well as wishing Elisabeth "Good Luck" on her upcoming new endeavors. Jessica is a new Therapist accepting clients, and our New Client Special is available for all clients scheduling with her. Holly is joining us at the Front Desk and Reception for your scheduling needs.

Winter Scene with snow.

Stretches of the Issue
Chronic Pain

Stretching Examples.

Ailment of the Issue
Chronic Pain

Tens of millions of Americans suffer from chronic pain -- pain that lasts longer than six months. Chronic pain can be mild or excruciating, episodic or continuous, merely inconvenient or totally incapacitating.

With chronic pain, signals of pain remain active in the nervous system for weeks, months, or even years. This can take both a physical and emotional toll on a person.

The most common sources of pain stem from headaches, joint pain, pain from injury, and backaches. Other kinds of chronic pain include tendinitis, sinus pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and pain affecting specific parts of the body, such as the shoulders, pelvis, and neck. Generalized muscle or nerve pain can also develop into a chronic condition.

Stress makes pain worse, so learning to relax is a goal for patients. If you're upset about something, your pain will go up several points on the pain scale. Stress control techniques are very helpful for all types of pain.

Massage is a valuable tool in managing chronic pain. At the clinic, we specialize in techniques to improve your mobility and decrease the pain caused by a variety of ailments. Call us at 503.348.4794 to schedule a consultation and treatment.

Excerpted from WebMD http://www.webmd.com/pain-management/guide/understanding-pain-management-chronic-pain
Release Relieve Recover September 2017 Newsletter
9/15/2017 11:52 AM

September - October 2017
Volume 8, Issue 4

Located At
1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic

 Release  Relieve  Recover 


Fall is coming fast

decorative spacer

Far too soon for many, summer is coming to an end. Never the less, there are new joys and adventures to look forward to with the changing of the seasons.

Though if you find yourself stiff and moaning like a mummy, come see us. We'll be happy to help you with whatever strain the season's adventures bring.

New Massage Therapist

We are pleased to welcome Mellissa Cerrillo to Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic. Mellissa is very skilled and ready to help established and insurance clients alike. Feel free to take advantage of our new client special of two massages for $80, and come meet our team's newest member.

Stretch of the Issue

Knee Stretches

Ailment of the Issue
Knee Strain

What is a Knee Strain?

A knee Strain is an acute injury in which tendons, and ligaments become stretched, or torn. Most strains occur because of direct blows to the knee, extreme bending, or twisting of joints, or overuse through repetitive activity.


The most common symptoms include pain, swelling, loss of mobility, and a lack of strength.


Depending on the severity of a knee strain, an individual may be able to ease symptoms and recover with rest, and simple home remedies. A serious strain usually requires immediate medical attention, surgery, and several weeks of physical therapy.

What Can you do to help treat, and prevent this injury?

Stretch! Stretch! Stretch! Make sure that you stretch before doing activities such as working out, hiking, or any other high impact activity. Avoid areas where there may be ice, water, or any other slippery surface such as wet leaves that you might slip on.

Source: http://ww.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-knee-strain.htm
Release Relieve Recover June 2017 Newsletter
6/30/2017 11:34 AM

June - July 2017

Volume 8, Issue 3

Located At
1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic

  Release  Relieve  Recover


Independence Day!

We all celebrate our Independence on July 4th!

"For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others."
--Nelson Mandela

"Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed."
--Martin Luther King Jr.

"I'd like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free and wanted other people to be also free."
--Rosa Parks

Stretches of the Issue
Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Stretches for Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Source: http://www.thenpmom.wordpress.com

New Client Special

Two one-hour massages for $80.00

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Ailment of the Issue
Iliotibial Band Syndrome

What is Iliotibial Band Syndrome?

Iliotibial Band Syndrome is often referred to by other names, most commonly as; runners knee and Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome, sometimes shortened to ITBS or ITBFS.

Symptoms of IT Band Syndrome:

  • Pain on the outside of the knee (at or around the lateral epicondyle of the femur).
  • Tightness in the iliotibial band.
  • Pain normally aggravated by running, particularly downhill.
  • Pain during flexion or extension of the knee, made worse by pressing in at the side of the knee over the sore part.
  • Weakness in hip abduction.
  • Tender trigger points in the gluteal area may also be present.

What Causes IT Band Syndrome?

Certain factors may make one more susceptible to development of this syndrome. Common causes include:
  • Over pronation
  • Overuse
  • Excessive hill running
  • Running on a cambered surface
  • Leg length difference
  • A naturally tight or wide IT band
  • Weak hip muscles such as gluteus medius
  • Trigger points within the IT band and gluteal muscles
Most of these factors can be addressed through changes to your training program, the use of insoles or heel pads and a thorough rehabilitation program.

Iliotibial band friction syndrome may require long-term rehabilitation and frequent Iliotibial band stretches. Treatment should be maintained even after symptoms cease.


Treating IT Band Syndrome with Massage

Terri Anderson recommends soft tissue or deep friction massage as well as Myofascial release techniques.
Remember we have a referral incentive:
For every three new clients that come in and tell us you referred them, you get a free 30-minute massage.
Release Relieve Recover April 2017 Newsletter
4/11/2017 5:27 PM

April - May 2017

Volume 8, Issue 2

Located At
1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic

  Release  Relieve  Recover

decorative decorative

Welcome Spring!

Though it still feels like winter like in many parts of the country, spring has finally come back to Oregon. After a long time away, the greenery, and wildlife of the area are flourishing back into stride. As the weather gets warmer, we hope you will all get out there and enjoy the season in your own special way. decorative

We look forward to celebrating this renewal with you.

New Massage Therapists

Along with the other arrivals of spring we are glad to welcome two new therapists to the clinic. Our new additions; Veronica and Kyle, are very skilled in injury recovery and are ready to help both insurance, and established clients alike. We hope you will come get to know them through their new client specials.

Useful tips for the allergy season

Neti Pot - A great tool for rinsing irritants out of the sinuses

Himalayan Salt Lamp - We use these in all of our massage rooms. A great tool for ridding the home of mold, bacteria, and allergens.

https://wellnessmama.com/23569/himalayan-salt-lamp-benefits/ - Salt lamp
http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/common-cold/expert-answers/neti-pot/faq-20058305�Neti pot

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Ailment of the Quarter

Sinus Congestion

Nasal congestion is the blockage of the nasal passages. Sinus Congestion occurs when in, or surrounding the nose becomes swollen with excess fluid. This condition is also known as; nasal blockage, nasal obstruction, blocked nose, stuffy nose, or plugged nose.

Nasal congestion can be caused by anything that inflames the nasal tissues.

Treatment of the Issue

Massage Therapist can treat sinus congestion by massaging areas such as the neck, shoulders, and sinus points. In addition we offer hot stone and moist heat treatments to further aid in sinus relief.

How Sinuses Work
Source: http://r.hswstatic.com/w_907/gif/sinus-infographic-orig.png
Remember we have a referral incentive:
For every three new clients that come in and tell us you referred them, you get a free 30-minute massage.
Release Relieve Recover January 2017 Newsletter
1/6/2017 8:35 AM

January - February 2017

Volume 8, Issue 1

Located At
1217 NE Burnside Rd, Ste. D-701
Gresham, OR 97030

Schedule An Appointment
Call (503) 665-8959

Anderson Therapeutic Massage Clinic

  Release  Relieve  Recover

decorative decorative

Happy New Year!

Special thanks to all of you who made 2016 a great year. We look forward to helping you heal, and relax, among the adventures that the New Year will bring. decorative

Now let's all make this a good year!

Valentine's Day Special! From January 14, to February 14th, 2017.  Treat your sweetheart to a relaxing massage this Valentine's Day with our annual Valentine's special.  Two 1-hour massages for $80.00.

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Ailment of the Quarter


What is Edema: It is a build up of fluid in the body's tissues.

Why we retain fluid: While fluid retention can happen for many reasons, surgery, pregnancy and disease, are some of the more common causes.

What are the signs: Swelling, puffiness, and dimpling when light pressure is applied to the affected area.

Be Aware: If you have edema with chest pains or have trouble breathing, always contact your Doctor.

How Massage can help: Lymphatic drainage massage can help hasten healing process. This variety of massage is used to stimulate the lymphatic system. This boost can help the system drain away excess fluids more effectively.
Tara, one of our resident massage therapists, specializes in the art of lymphatic drainage.

Illustration of swollen and normal lymph nodes in the human neck.

Remember we have a referral incentive:
For every three new clients that come in and tell us you referred them, you get a free 30-minute massage.